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Short info
In general apk file 금연 일지(Smoking Cessation Diary) has rating is 6.7 from 10. This is cumulative rating, most best apps on google play store have rating 8 from 10. Total reviews in google play store 0. Total number of five star reviews received 0. This app has been rated like bad by 0 number of users. Estimated number of downloads range between 100,000+ downloads in google play store 금연 일지(Smoking Cessation Diary) located in category Productivity, with tags smoking and has been developed by SGJH. You can visit their website https://goldenapps85.blogspot.com/ or send goldenapps85@yahoo.com to them. 금연 일지(Smoking Cessation Diary) can be installed on android devices with 2.3(Gingerbread)+. We provide only original apk files. If any of materials on this site violates your rights, report us You could also download apk of Google and run it using android emulators such as big nox app player, bluestacks and koplayer. You could also download apk of 금연 일지(Smoking Cessation Diary) and run it on android emulators like bluestacks or koplayer. Versions of 금연 일지(Smoking Cessation Diary) apk available on our site: 1.8.2, 1.7.8, 1.7.4, 1.7.0, 1.6.8 and others. Last version of 금연 일지(Smoking Cessation Diary) is 1.8.2 was uploaded 2024/23/12
Screenshots of 금연 일지
  • Smoking Cessation Diary
  • Smoking Cessation Diary
  • Smoking Cessation Diary
  • Smoking Cessation Diary
  • Smoking Cessation Diary
  • Smoking Cessation Diary
  • Smoking Cessation Diary
  • Smoking Cessation Diary
  • Smoking Cessation Diary
  • Smoking Cessation Diary
  • Smoking Cessation Diary
  • Smoking Cessation Diary
  • Smoking Cessation Diary
  • Smoking Cessation Diary
  • Smoking Cessation Diary
  • Smoking Cessation Diary
  • Smoking Cessation Diary
  • Smoking Cessation Diary
  • Smoking Cessation Diary
  • Smoking Cessation Diary
  • Smoking Cessation Diary
  • Smoking Cessation Diary
  • Smoking Cessation Diary
  • Smoking Cessation Diary
  • Smoking Cessation Diary
  • Smoking Cessation Diary
  • Smoking Cessation Diary
  • Smoking Cessation Diary
  • Smoking Cessation Diary
Description of 금연 일지 (from google play)

Check your smoking amount every day with a quit smoking diary.

At the same time as checking the amount of smoking, the amount of inhaled harmful substances, the amount of wasted money, and the life shortening time are automatically calculated.

A smoking diary to keep you healthy.
Start now.

※ Smoking diary provides the following features.

1. Write a smoking cessation journal
2. Edit/delete smoking cessation journal
3. Automatic calculation of the number of days to quit
smoking 4. Monthly or full view of smoking cessation / smoking amount
5. Calculation of intake of harmful substances, calculation of shortened lifespan, calculation of waste amount
6. Setting of cigarette price ( Default: 2500 won before 2015, 4500 won after 2015)

Version history 금연 일지
New in View.StopSmoking.SangGeon.Cauly 1.7.8
Android 12 version applied
New in View.StopSmoking.SangGeon.Cauly 1.7.4
SDK 11 applied
New in View.StopSmoking.SangGeon.Cauly 1.7.0
Module Update
New in View.StopSmoking.SangGeon.Cauly 1.6.8
Remove ad module
New in View.StopSmoking.SangGeon.Cauly 1.6.4
sdk update
New in View.StopSmoking.SangGeon.Cauly 1.6.0
Corrected Lollipop text. Can set cigarette value (default is 4500 yen) Adjust SNS comment spacing Application size reduction, execution speed improvement Add to this Add comment board Add a nickname feature Added rogue user blocking function UI enhancement, function addition
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Apk View.StopSmoking.SangGeon.Cauly latest version 1.8.2


free 4.7 MB
Android 7.1.1+
Other View.StopSmoking.SangGeon.Cauly APK versions for android 14
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